

July 8, 2006. The Vancouver based band, Forcefed was found dead face down in a field, the four occupants were thrown clear of the wreck. Strangely when recovering  the bodies it was found that one died when the bus over turned. Caused probably by the plane that clipped the bus carrying another band member, which crashed and killed him. Then in turn found one more asphyxiated on his own vomit, from about 40 shots of Vodka, and we don't know if it was stress or a freak accident but the final member was found eating the end of a shotgun, which caused severe brain damage. But they would like to thank all you guys that came to shows, bought a CD, or gave us suppot in any way. I'll probably keep up the page for a while to post news on where or what projects they have gone to. Thanks again.

                         Shawn        Mike        DIKK      FTW

Behind as usual, so we ended up coming in second in that show. Thanks for all who came out, if you missed it you can find it at: We are the last band on the May 5th show, so save you money for the semi finals, we are going to need all of you to come out and scream for us. You can also come and see us earlier at the Lamplighter on June 21.

Yo all  ya'll minons out there who bought tickets to our upcoming show on the 29th of April. We now have the lineup for the show:

5:00 pm Skookum
5:30 pm Mistress Jen
6:00 pm The Assassination
6:30 pm Potus
7:00 pm Pure Havoc
7:30 pm Amish Warfare
8:00 pm
8:30 pm Threshold
9:00 pm Rayzing Sons

Hey what are the odds of me updating this site twice in a row in less than a month. Anyways we decided to put a new song on the site, but it's not perfected yet, still in the demo process. Hope you enjoy, oh ya and check out the shows page for a new show at the Pic.

I guess even I have to grace the pages of this web site every once and a while. Try to have things to inform about but it's been uneventful. Except for having the jam room flood again, and having to have over a month off. But after a lot of searching from the bassist and drummer we have a new place to call home. So after some well needed practice we will be coming back to you in full force. See you on the dark side.

Well here we are at another web page, still like the old one but better than nothing. Haven't had much to report on lately and don't have much of a imagination to make shit up either. You know though if you mail us with comments we try and please. Even though I'm terrible at emailing people back, who wants to hear us talk anyways. But right now we are under construction writing the last of our songs for our album. A continuation of our EP. So hope you like the new layout and remember if there is any covers you'd like us to do give us some feedback and we'll see what we can do.